Energy Consulting in Connecticut
Properly navigating the energy market in Connecticut as a business owner or commercial investor can be challenging, especially if you’re new to the region or unfamiliar with energy efficiency needs and potential savings opportunities. If you want to optimize energy consumption with any business you own in CT, you can do so by turning to consultants at Energy Cost Experts. We provide energy efficiency consulting at Energy Cost Experts while working with our clients to significantly reduce energy costs and consumption through various ECMs, or Energy Conservation Measures.
We Pay All of Your Gas & Electric Bills
Handling your monthly commercial energy and gas bills can be tedious and time-consuming. If you’re running a business in CT and want to focus more on important aspects of your organization, turn to Energy Cost Experts in Connecticut. Our consultants will assist you with paying and addressing all electric and gas bills you receive monthly.
Once you begin working with Energy Cost Experts, we will also work with you to develop a system in which your energy bills are locked in and guaranteed for 12 months. Although we are not a broker firm, we work with professionally trained consultants who mediate, communicate, and negotiate with commercial energy suppliers throughout Connecticut.
We Deal With Suppliers & Handle Energy Procurement
Seeking energy procurement in Maine or energy consulting services a little further south in Connecticut can be overwhelming if you’re unsure where to begin. At Energy Cost Experts, we help streamline the process to make finding the right energy distributor and supplier as painless, effortless, and seamless as possible from start to finish. Once you begin working with one of our expert consultants, we will pinpoint your exact needs regarding energy savings, reductions, and potential upgrades. From this point, we will work with local and regional energy suppliers and distributors who are optimal for your commercial needs and estimated monthly demands.
Ways To Lower Your Company’s Energy Bill
If you’re interested in energy consulting in Massachusetts or anywhere in neighboring Connecticut but do not want to work directly with a broker, our consultants at Energy Cost Experts can assist. We know how important energy efficiency is today, especially when managing a commercial business or organization of any size. Our consulting services can help you lower your company’s monthly energy bill through various ECMs, or Energy Conservation Measures, such as:
- Assessing Needs: We will take the time to assess your commercial organization’s specific energy needs and demands. This will help determine which unnecessary systems can be reduced or eliminated altogether to cut back on energy waste while allowing you to also lower your company’s carbon footprint.
- Understanding of the Regional Landscape: Our professional consultant experts at Energy Cost Experts are well-versed in the local Connecticut energy landscape, especially when working with commercial distributors and suppliers. Our energy consultant experts are knowledgeable in unique regional challenges, which can ultimately help save even more money and reduce energy waste in the long term.
- Upgrades: In some instances, various utilities, systems, and technological devices may need to be upgraded or replaced for maximum optimization and energy efficiency. The more efficient your utilities and commercial fixtures are, the easier to take advantage of long-term energy cost savings.
- Monitoring Fixtures, Utilities, and Appliances: With state-of-the-art technologies and systems, monitoring appliances, fixtures, and utilities now provide valuable insight into energy usage and demand throughout any space, including commercial buildings.
- Ongoing Management Services: Energy Cost Experts consultants will also offer ongoing management and energy procurement services. As needed, we will consult with distributors and suppliers to determine potential savings opportunities or new methods to cut monthly energy costs and waste.
- Energy-Saving Recommendations: We will also provide ongoing energy-saving recommendations that may benefit your commercial business or investment property as you grow or plan to scale.
Anytime you’re in the market for new energy management services, consulting assistance, or energy procurement solutions in Connecticut, turning to trusted consultants at Energy Cost Experts is highly recommended. At Energy Cost Experts, we will work with energy suppliers and distributors to find the best deals on energy savings and discounts possible for your Connecticut business.
Contact Energy Cost Experts today to learn more about potential savings that may benefit you with commercial energy consulting and efficiency services.

Have questions or would like to learn more?
Contact Donald Parker with the best dates and times to schedule a call or zoom.
This usually only takes 15-30 minutes to see if I can help you.
Energy Cost Experts
540 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 310
Fort Washington, PA 19034