Our Process
Structuring Approach
Your initial Monthly Payments are calculated by determining the current rate of spending for energy at your facility. Modeling techniques and statistical data are used to create a consumption model that is unique to your facility. Current rates for energy generation, distribution, transmission, taxes, and fees are applied to the model to develop an accurate cost of energy for a typical year to establish your first twelve Monthly Payments that remain fixed and guaranteed.
Easy Budgeting
On request, MasterPlan lock and guarantee three additional monthly payments to provide fixed budget payments for your next budget year. For instance, a September request will provide fixed monthly payments through December of the following calendar year. This applies to any budget year you may use.
Energy Conservation Measures
A MasterPlan engineer will value any plan or project to reduce consumption in advance and provide the full value reduction in the Monthly Payment (or a monthly credit if preferred) before the measure is implemented. This gives members an accurate tool for making prudent investment decisions. MasterPlan’s interest is not in performing projects but only in minimizing members’ continuing cost and maximizing value. There is no additional charge for this service.

Why Us?
MasterPlan is not an energy supplier or broker and does not accept commissions or any other financial considerations from any supplier. The only incentive is to make the best decisions for your individual case.
Our Structuring Approach, Easy Budgeting and Energy Conservation Measures ensure you never have to worry about your Energy bills again.
A Low, Guaranteed Fixed Payment
Say Goodbye to Usage/ Spending Variances
No Long-Term Commitments
Reduce Your Cost
Potential to Lower Payment Further/ Energy Conservation Measures
Commonly Asked Questions and Answers
How Long is My Commitment?
- The Master Plan Program is a two-page plain language Agreement.
- The Agreement is evergreen, meaning it continues until cancelled.
- A customer can cancel anytime without penalties or fees.
How do I track my costs?
Monthly payments are generally due on the first of each month.
• You will receive an invoice around the 15th of the previous month.
• A Monthly Report will accompany the invoice. This report includes:
- Your next twelve-monthly payments.
- The only payment that can change is the last one, a year in the future.
- The first eleven payments will be the same as your previous report.
- Aggregate historic consumption data for electric and natural gas.
- Emergency phone numbers for your electric and natural gas utilities.
- A list of third-party supply agreements and their expiration dates.
- On request, MasterPlan will lock up to four months of additional monthly payments to give you a fixed and guaranteed energy budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
How do I Get Started?
- Submit a copy of one complete recent bill for each electric and natural gas account.
Submit a copy of any third-party supplier bill if billed separately.
• Submit a copy of all supplier contracts currently in effect. - We may need to provide you with a Letter of Authorization to sign to allow us to obtain consumption data from a provider. This is normally not needed.

My company has been very satisfied with MPlan’s caliber of service thus far. MPlan reached out to our company with solutions well in advance of PP&L’s rate increase.
They have made the entire electricity deregulation process in our state easy to understand. After providing them with one year of history for gas and electric to analyze, their proposal was intuitive to review, providedguaranteed monthly costs for 12 future months (running), and exceeded my expectations in budgeting for bothof these utilities.

Have questions or would like to learn more?
Contact Donald Parker with the best dates and times to schedule a call or zoom.
This usually only takes 15-30 minutes to see if I can help you.
MPlan, LLC
540 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 310
Fort Washington, PA 19034