Energy Management Consulting in Boston

Energy Cost Experts have the experience and knowledge to help your organization manage electricity and gas payments. We can help with rate negotiations and guide you towards energy-saving measures that can help improve your bottom line. Our energy management services in Boston can transform how you pay for energy services and lead to noticeable improvements in energy spending.

We make it easy to determine if your situation could benefit from our Boston energy consulting services. If you take a few minutes to upload your energy bills to our website, we can determine if our services will likely benefit you. That’s all it takes to potentially save on your energy procurement and yield lasting financial benefits for your business.

We Manage Electricity & Gas Payments

One of the things our clients in Boston love about our energy management services is how comprehensive they are. Once you get set up in our system, we will manage all of your electricity and gas payments. You no longer need to watch out for bills, carefully read each document to identify cost increases, or track when payments have been made and posted. Our team will handle all of these tasks for you.

We are on the job all year round. We watch your energy bills to identify any issues or problems we notice with an account. If we notice any anomalies, we do so as they happen so they don’t have a chance to snowball into something bigger and more difficult to address. We notify you of any issues we notice as soon as we see them and tell you how we will deal with them.

Our management services include monitoring your company’s energy usage relative to the overall output you generate from that usage. We also look at the cost of gas and provide customized summaries for budgeting relative to your company’s fiscal year. Our in-depth nomination and balancing processes ensure you can narrow in on whatever financial details are most important to understanding your energy usage and where cost savings can be achieved.


Energy Procurement Services

Most average business owners are unaware of how the energy game is played. We didn’t understand it either until our companies were acquired by larger energy companies, and we got a comprehensive education in the processes these organizations use to determine energy rates. We discovered that there is sometimes more wiggle room than customers appreciate in the final tally of what gas and electricity will cost a business.

You might have an energy distributor, an energy supplier, and other parties involved in getting power to your organization. These are different parties with different priorities, and you need to negotiate with all of them to get the best rates. Our company has mastered this negotiation process, and we will contact every group charging you for the energy your Boston company requires.

Many benefits come from developing a deeper relationship with the providers of your energy services, whether you need help with energy procurement in New York City or nearby in Boston. One is potentially reducing the cost of procuring the energy you need. Another benefit is improving the accountability you get from providers. Knowing everyone involved in the process makes it easier to find out who is dropping the ball when something goes wrong.

As your Boston energy consulting team, we are committed to ensuring accountability and improving cost savings for your business. You can rely on us to be your advocate, day after day, year after year. We also offer energy consulting in Chicago, allowing us to serve additional US companies not located in the Northeast region.

Recommended Energy-Saving Measures

As part of our Boston energy consulting services, we offer targeted energy-saving measures for our clients. These fall under two categories:

Reducing Consumption

The easy things to do are helpful, like turning off the lights when no one is in the room and utilizing programmable thermostats. They provide little savings and don’t add any extra cost to your operation. We advise our clients to avoid organizations encouraging them to buy expensive equipment to save energy, as it’s usually not worth the investment.

Reducing Rates

The truth is that 30% to 50% of your energy bill is determined by regulated distribution rates that you can’t do anything about. But there is something you can possibly do about the rest of the bill using our consulting services. We can sometimes generate savings of 5% to 15% through our services.

For more information about energy consulting in Boston, please contact us today. Schedule a free consultation to learn more!

Have questions or would like to learn more?

Contact Donald Parker with the best dates and times to schedule a call or zoom.

This usually only takes 15-30 minutes to see if I can help you.

Energy Cost Experts
540 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 310
Fort Washington, PA 19034


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